Mura di Bergamo

The diamond made of stone which has made Bergamo a World Heritage Site

The Walls of Bergamo, a World Heritage Site since 2017, embrace the upper city with a 6km route between bastions, gunboats, powder magazines and platforms. Inside Porta di Sant’Agostino an immersive journey tells the story of the fortress in the Renaissance.

Mura di Bergamo: the Museum

The history of the Venetian Walls starts from Porta Sant’Agostino

Mura di Bergamo: the Route

A journey in 10 stops to discover the fortress

Mura di Bergamo dal Baluardo San Michele
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Buy your ticket 

Book your visit

Exciting tours to discover the Walls of Bergamo. Enjoy the museums in a natural and playful way, doing something involving. Tour available  in english language

Buy the all in one ticket

The seven places in the Museum network can be visited with one ticket! It’s called ALL IN ONE and is valid for 48 hours

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