Mura di Bergamo: The Museum
The history of the Venetian Walls, World Heritage Site, starts from Porta Sant’Agostino
A new exhibition path dedicated to the history of the Fortress, a World Heritage Site since 2017. A new museum that comes to life inside Porta Sant’Agostino, the historic access to the city for those coming from Venice. Among multimedia stations, physical testimonies and an engaging immersive room, narration becomes an experience to get to the heart of the construction of the Walls, a stone diamond made of history and beauty, still a symbol of Bergamo today.
Full 7 €
Reduced 5€
Resident in Bergamo and province, 18-26 years old, groups of 15 people, discounts
0-17 years old, Amici del Museo delle storie di Bergamo, person with disability and companion, ICOM members, accredited journalists, qualified tour guides, Abbonamento Musei Lombardia
Mura di Bergamo: the Museum
Opened in September 2024 in one of the most iconic monuments in the Venetian fortification network, the new museum in Saint Augustine’s Gate is an additional milestone in the effort to highlight the importance of the Walls of Bergamo, a World Heritage site since 2017.
The Walls of Bergamo is a first among the many different cultural sites of the Museo delle Storie. The museum has a double “soul”: on the one hand, it has a more traditional side with a collection of paintings, fresco fragments, weapons and armor, treatises, maps, drawings and manuscripts which recount the golden age of the Serenissima Republic of Venice; on the other, a more modern and hi-tech side, with three multimedia stations for in-depth learning and a large immersive room dedicated to the history of the Walls, the true ‘heart’ of the museum.
Thanks to a dense collaborative network with important conservation institutions and private collectors, the museum displays 38 pieces which recount what it took to design and realize the Venetian Walls of Bergamo, a construction project that lasted 27 long years and involved the entire hilltop city.

Discover the museum
Four sections and a gripping audiovisual tale place the Venetian Walls of Bergamo in their historical context: the landmark events of the 16th century. A snapshot of geopolitical, cultural, military and material history from the Renaissance.